Myers-Bryggs type This personality test told me I was an ESFP. ESPF meaning extravert, sensing, feeling, and perceiving. Someone with all of these characteristics is usually friendly, caring and energetic. They are also good about expressing themselves and are confidant. An ESFP is sensitive to feelings and makes decisions based on how them and others feel rather than a more logical answer. I share a Myers-Bryggs type with Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Me and my type My personality type I feel does generally describe me. I make decisions based on how I feel and I am very confident. WhileI feel I am an extravert in some ways , I also have a lot of characteristics of an introvert. This did show in the test results when it said 6% of extravert. While it was interesting to find out what type I was, I knew most of these characteristics about myself already. In real life situations I tend to do what the test says I do. I can lead a group confidently if had to, but I am easy...