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Showing posts from December, 2017

My Website

Web Design Project I'm so sorry but my screenshots didn't upload.  Project overview This project took me about a week. I worked with coding and designing in Adobe Dreamweaver and created my own website. I posted many of my projects from previous assignments. Many of my animations I saved as a GIF and put on the project page. For the home page I put a picture of myself and an elevator pitch.  What I learned I believe I learned a lot from this project. I added links and codes and learned how to embed videos. I also learned how to connect text to a website. I added two pages together and connected them through links.The website product I am happy with and I believe I did well. The colors went together good and turned out pleasing to look at. Conclusion  I enjoyed this project and felt I got a lot from it. I hope to design more websites in the future. 

Ten qualities GIF

Ten qualities GIF Process: This is a simple GIF of 10 of my good qualities. I used adobe photoshop and added multiple frames together. The computer did most of the work as I toke a frame with the word out of the picture, then a frame with the word in it. What I learned: This was my first step into animation and I enjoyed it. after working with some words, I experimented with transitioning in different way. I learned how to move and turn objects how I want them to. Conclusion:  I am satisfied with the project. It helped me with time management and helped me better understand computer animation.

Sketchup House

My SketchUp house Link to the original house Textures Project This project took a couple weeks to make. I used the program Sketchup to design and create my house. I based the structure off of a house I found on To make the house, it took basic shapes being bent into more complex ones. I finished by using seamless designs found on google and painting the structure.  What I learned My ability to work with 3D design got better during this process of making a house. I learned to be patient and pay attention to detail. I also learned how to turn and 3D design into an animation.